Thursday, January 17, 2013

Viva la Crepe!

I will make this post short and sweet. Just like the crepe I just experienced. I may not be in France but I am in Germany where they value sweets, pastries, and bread just as much as I do. It is paradise for a diva with a sweet tooth. But I just had to share with the world the delicious little snack I got! Oddly enough it was from a stand in the underground part of the train station. The overwhelming smell of freshly made thin pancakes and chocolate led us to a small booth with a nice man who didn't speak any English. But he knew how to make good crepes! I scarfed mine down in 3 bites! He laughed at all of us girls and promised he would throw us a party in the train station with any crepes we desired!
Tschus! ( cheers!)
xoxo Deutschland Diva
Me enjoying my BANANA AND NUTELLA crepe on the train home. Nom nom!

Diva in Deutschland

Guten Morgen!! I am writing this from the far away land of GERMANY. As much as I love my east coast roots and the fabulous land of LA, it was time for some change and I am studying abroad this semester in Bonn, a small city in Germany, and Moscow in Russia aka my motherland. I might start a new blog just dedicated to this trip but for now I must let the world know HOW TO SURVIVE AS A DIVA ABROAD. This is very important seeing as I am a theatre major with a bunch of theatre majors so the egos are large and the drama isn't just on stage. When you go to live in a foreign country...things just cannot go your way all the time. The outlets don't fit your hair dryer and the amount of pastries and bread and beer does not do wonders for the figure. However these are not my concerns. I am not picky when it comes to food- except for being a vegetarian- and I really don't mind air drying my hair. But I will not settle when it comes to living the fabulous life. This means that I want to dress up and go out, see theatre, visit museums, eat delish food, and have a grand old time! I have only been here a week but I think that once I get used to the strange looking men and confusing language, I can take over this country with a BANG. When I'm not in class 8 hours a day or on school trips I will try my best to post my fab finds from this crazy place! If any of you divas happen to travel to Europe, Germany, or even Bonn let me know if you have any hot spot suggestions.
Even if you are not abroad, this semester is a time for adventure gorgeous people. It's time to start making the most out of each day because you only have one fabulous life to live! 
Stay classy and sassy!
your Deutschland Diva G

Yours truly in front of a castle aka where a diva belongs! 
(Schloss Buresheim castle in the Eifel region)

Monday, January 7, 2013


First of all....HAPPY NEW YEAR DIVAS!!! 2013 is here and ready to shine brighter than 2012!!
Secondly, I apologize from the bottom of my heart. I have not blogged in over a week due to 
working (aka retail nightmare) and holiday craze (family overload). I have been the opposite of fabulous lately because dealing with crabby customers and crazy snowstorms- the downside of living on the East Coast- and haven't had a single second for some ME TIME. So divas I think that it is perfect timing that last night when the clock hit midnight and the ball dropped ( and my BAC rose even more) I thought to's been such a crazy time and I better make a CHANGE.
With every new year the age old tradition of making a resolution becomes a task harder then picking which stilettos to wear with your new dress. And what's even harder than making sticking to it!!
I myself am a repeat offender of making resolutions, trying really hard for a week, and then falling back into the same old pattern. The classic "I'm going to go the gym everyday!" resolution NEVER happens...admit it, you go for 3 days and then quit once you notice that the Real Housewives marathon is on TV. There's the "I'm going to eat super healthy!" that doesn't make it past the pumpkin cheesecake cupcakes with maple cream cheese frosting. And my all time favorite " I am going to be less stressed and do yoga and take bubbly baths, etc" that you forget about the second you see your credit card bill or have to study for your midterms. It is just so freaking hard to actually live out these goals when we set out standards too high. When we tell ourselves that we are going to run 10 miles a day or write a novel it isn't that those things WON'T happen...they just requite baby steps! So if you are truly a fabulous person...well then you don't actually need to change anything! But what you can do is make small goals that you can actually achieve every single day and feel good about yourself because you did! Take a heart shaped post-it note and write that mini mantra on it and make sure you can see it from the moment you wake up to the moment you put on your silk sleeping mask. Here are some ways to spice of 2013 and give yourself a sparkly, new outlook on the year!
  • Add exercise in to your daily routine in a fun way! Walk up the stairs on your toes/balls of your feet to give you bum a little lift. Take your doggies for a little jog down the street and throw the ball for them to work those arms! 
  • Wear more pink.
  • Bake cupcakes naked.
  • Go to a yoga class and flirt with your hot yoga instructor.
  • Rearrange your room- move the bed and swap out your posters for some news ones to set a different vibe.
  • Buy some delightful scented candles and light them when you get home from work. Lavender really does the trick!
  • Instead of ordering take out...again....type in the ingredients you do have in your fridge into a cooking website to find a fresh new recipe. A little bit of spice goes a long way!
  • Actually, take one night a week to make a fun new meal. I recommend anything from the Ina Garten's cookbooks because she is the queen of happy food : )
  • Stop buying Febreeze and start picking up fresh flowers from the store!
  • Instead of dashing out last minute to find a hott dress for a big event (and then of course not finding anything that meets your standards and settling for less than perfect)...when you go on a casual shopping trip and try on a stunning dress just for fun and love it...BUY IT. And then create an event to wear it to!
  • Gather up all your old clothes and shed the make room for the new! Donate the clothes that are well worn but still useful for those in need- like sweatpants and jeans you don't need. Bring your outgrown designer digs or fancy clothes and shoes and bring them to a consignment shop and sell them off to make money for new items.
  • Pick up a good book once in awhile. Or a magazine if novels aren't your thing.
  • Start a journal.
  • Start a blog : )
So there you have it divas. It is not that hard to make some small changes to your already wonderful life! You don't need to train for the Olympics or redesign your entire house to prove that you can out do yourself. Make each day a new challenge, laugh more, eat more sweets, and surprise yourself once and awhile. Life is truly fabulous when you live it to the fullest!
Happy New Year...CHEERS!
xoxo Diva G